Carpentry @ UCSB Library

Date Workshop Name
2025 Workshops
February 25 and 27Introduction to Machine Learning in Python
February 19Intermediate R
February 5Container-driven Reproducible Research Made Simple
February 3 and 4Research Computing - What to do when your work gets too big for your laptop
January 23, 24, 30, 31Working with Geospatial Data in R
January 14, 17, 21Introduction to Data Analysis with Python
2024 Workshops
November 12, 22Handling and Sharing Qualitative Data Responsibly and Effectively
November 5, 7Web Scraping with Python
October 22, 25Version Control with Git and GitHub
October 8, 11, 15Introduction to Data Analysis with R
July 9, 16, 232024 UC Carpentries Workshop Series (Remote)
September 5Data Carpentry: Species Interaction Data Workshop (Okinawa, Japan)
July 9, 16, 23Data Analysis and Visualization in Python
July 2Data Organization in Spreadsheets
June 10-11Introduction to Geospatial Raster and Vector Data with R
June 4Container-driven Reproducible Research Made Simple
May 1-2Introduction to Data Analysis with R for Social Science
February 27Introduction to Web Scraping
January 30 & February 1Version Control with Git
2023 Workshops
November 14-16Reproducible Publications with Quarto
November 14-16Data Analysis and Visualization in Python
October 23-24Version Control with Git
July 28, Aug 4 & 11What does it mean to be Reproducible in R?
May 16-18 Data Analysis and Visualization in Python
May 12Planet Labs Workshop
May 5Measure, Map, and Publish with ArcGIS Pro and Online
April 25-26Introduction to Version Control with Git
February 21-23 Intro to Data Analysis & Visualization in Python
Jan. 23, 30, & Feb. 6 Mondays R for Social Science
2022 Workshops
November 8-10 Introduction to Reproducible Publications with RStudio
October 25 & 27 Data Analysis and Visualization in R
October 18-20 Introduction to the Unix Shell & Version Control with Git
October 11 Data Organization in Spreadsheets
September 6 - 13 UC Carpentries Fall 2022 Workshop Series
August 16, 18 Machine Learning for Tabular Data in R
August 9, 11 Intro to Geospatial Raster and Vector Data with R
July 26, 28 Intro to Data Analysis and Visualization in R
July 19, 21 Version Control with Git
July 12, 14 Intro to Bash-Shell
May 26, 27 Harvesting Twitter with Twarc
May 12, 13 Introduction to Webscraping
April 19, 21 Data Analysis and Visualization in Python
April 14 Intro to OpenRefine
April 11, 13 Intro to Geospatial Raster and Vector Data in R
April 7, 8 Intro to Geospatial Raster and Vector Data in R
March 3, 4 Reproducible Publications with RStudio
February 24, 25 Intro to R for Data Visualization
February 15, 17, 18 SEEDS - Intro to R (SEEDS ONLY event)
February 7, 9, 11 SEEDS - Intro to R (SEEDS ONLY event)
February 4 Bren School MEDS - Relational Databases and SQL
January 31 Webpublishing with Github Pages (SEEDS ONLY event)
January 28Webpublishing with Github Pages
January 12, 14SEEDS - Intro to Git/Bash Workshop (SEEDS event)
January 4, 7 Bren School MEDS - Python Programming
2021 Workshops
December 14, 15 Intro to Git/Bash Workshop
November 4, 5 Software Carpentry: Intro to SQL and Relational Databases
October 19 - 22 Data Carpentry: Intro to Python
September 13 - 22 2021 UC Fall Workshop
August 9, 10 Intro to Version Control with Git
August 11, 12 Intro to Bash-Shell
August 16 - 19 Intro to R
August 23 - 26 Intro to Python
May 12-14 R for GeoSpatial
May 6-7 Intro to R
April 16, 23,& 30 UC Merced Library Carpentry for Humanists and Social Scientists
February 18-19 Data Carpentry: Ecology with Python
January 22 Intro to Version Control with Git
January 21 Intro to Bash Shell
2020 Workshops
December 16-17 Authoring Scientific Publications with R-Markdown
November 9-10 Open Refine Libary Carpentry
October 9, 16,& 23 R programming for Scientific Reproducibility
August 19, 20, 26, 27 Introduction to Python
September 2 Introduction to Python
August 17, 18, 24, 25 Intro to R programming
September 1 Intro to R programming
August 10-13 Intro to Bash & Git
June 3, 10, & 17 Bash & Webscraping
May 22 & 29 Intro to R Programming
January 31Databases and SQL
January 17 Introduction to the Unix Shell
January 17 Version Control with Git
2019 Workshops
Nov 14-22 R for Geospatial Data
Oct 24 & 31 Git & Bash
October 10 Plotting and Programming in Python
June 25-Sept 12 Summer Python Class
May 9-10 Bash, Git & Python Workshop
April 11-12 Bash, Git & R Workshop
March 21-22 Bash, Git & R
Feb 21-22 Bash, Git & R
Jan 25-26 Bash, Git & R
2016 Workshops
April 15 R Programming Language